The Science of Cryotherapy

Science of

Aesthetics & Cryo Centers

Cryoslimming (bodysculpting)

When used over problem areas such as the abdomen, rear, arms, thighs or love handles, this sudden, dramatic drop in skin temperature induces cryolipolysis, or destruction of fat cells. Over time, the body removes those cells permanently.

Cryofacials (Frotox)

Diffused through a cone, the same ultra-cold carbon dioxide turns into a soothing, soft frozen mist that relaxes muscles in the face, produces a rosy glow and cosmetically tightens skin. It's also thought to stimulate the production of collagen over time, further firming the skin.

Science of Sports, PT & Ortho

Thermal shock Explained

Applying CO₂ gas at -110°F under high pressure rapidly lowers the skin's temperature from approximately 89.6°F to 39.6°F within just 30 seconds—a reaction known as "thermal shock." This process stimulates the skin's neuroreceptors, triggering an immediate reflex response within the body that activates the neurovegetative system. The resulting physiological effects include enhanced endocrine and enzymatic activity, reduced pain sensations through decreased sodium pump activity and nerve signal transmission, and activation of vasomotor responses in both the vascular and lymphatic systems. Additionally, this process provides muscle relaxation, significantly reducing muscle tone and tension.